Porcelain Veneers

Toronto’s Destination For Porcelain Veneers

In a city the size of Toronto, there are many options for your dental needs. You can expect to receive many different levels of service with so many choices, so it will pay off to do a little research and select a respected and experienced dentist in the GTA that can give you the best smile for your money. Properly done cosmetic dentistry can help introverted and self-conscious people come out of their shells, so finding that dentist who understands your goals and can implement a strategy to achieve them is very important. Dr. Ed Philips is one such dentist that has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry in the GTA and has a sterling track record of satisfied customers. There are many services that Dr. Philips offers, but one of his passions is creating beautiful smiles with individually crafted porcelain veneers.

Why should I choose porcelain veneers?

You may have heard of porcelain veneers and thought about seeking some more information. Essentially veneers are very thin shells made of resin composite or porcelain material that are affixed to the front of teeth to alter the shape, size and color of the existing tooth. The tooth surface is altered to create a firm bond with the shell, but less augmentation is done than with a crown. The enamel of the tooth is scrubbed and scuffed slightly to create a better surface for the shell to adhere to when applied, but very little of the tooth is actually removed. People with dental imperfections such as discoloration, twisted, crooked, spaced, cracked, broken or tooth decay might all consider porcelain veneers to improve their appearance.

What are the different veneer systems?

Most patients who have consultations with me are quite surprised to find out that there are numerous veneer systems that are as wide ranged as there are choices of cars. Besides the various choices of materials being used, there are a host of significantly different design systems that will influence the way your natural teeth are prepared for the veneers.

Some of the choices in choosing the actual material for the veneers are as follows: composite resin, Feldspathic porcelain on platinum foil, Feldspathic porcelain on a refractory, Pressed ceramics to full contour, Pressed ceramics cut back and layered with various options of lithium disilicates or zirconium with various substrates.

There are further choices as to how the tooth is modified to receive the veneer preparation. The most conservative method is a no prep design often used in commercially available Lumineers which I provide. There is also a minimal prep, modified prep and traditional prep version for any of the above mentioned alternatives.

Only through a proper exam can the significant criteria be assessed. Your existing colour and your existing occlusion as well as the changes that are being contemplated must be properly determined to achieve the right treatment.

Are there health benefits to veneers?

More than likely, the patient may have damaged, discolored or irregularly shaped teeth.  Polished porcelain veneers can change all of that by giving a boost in self-esteem.  Veneers can also assist in strengthening weaker teeth that do not already have some form of decay due to the added support of the ceramic shell of a veneer. Patients will notice a growing interest in overall dental hygiene as the value of a well-shaped and lifelike veneer begins to affect their everyday lives. There are also orthodontic benefits to porcelain veneers in that they can provide slight correction to bite patterns and crooked teeth over time without the expense of braces or other procedures that would affect your daily life. Also gaps between teeth that could cause gum disease or irregular swallowing reflexes can be removed with the help of veneers.

Have The Perfect Smile…

Before & After

…With Dr. Ed Philips

Who is a candidate for porcelain veneers?

  • Criteria

    In order to get veneers, there are a few criteria that the patient should be able to meet. Ensuring that he/she is a good candidate must be determined by a dental professional because there are factors that the patient cannot see on their own. For instance, there is a certain degree of crookedness that can be acceptable for veneers, and if the angle is slight enough, veneers can even correct the problem on a basic level. There may be other problems, however that must be fixed before patients can be fitted with veneers.

  • Tooth decay and Infections

    Tooth decay and infections to gums or the tooth’s root system will have to be addressed before porcelain veneers can be applied. The patient does not necessarily need to have sufficient enamel for the dentist to place porcelain veneers when using the newest bonding systems. Habitual teeth grinders or people that tend to grind their teeth will often benefit from porcelain veneers. In most cases the placing of porcelain veneers can not only correct the aesthetics but will at the same time replace or fix old fillings or existing cavities.

Veneer Procedure

After you have consulted with a cosmetic dentist like Dr. Philips, you should know if you are a good candidate for veneers and can move forward with scheduling the procedure. There are a few steps involved in the process that requires impressions, creation of the ceramics and prepping of the teeth that will be outlined below.

Initial Visit

The first step in getting a new set of veneers after proving to be a successful candidate is a consultation for x-rays and impressions. Conscientious dentists will take this time to sit down and discuss the goals each patient is looking for with their new set of veneers. The next step is called a mock-up, which is a series of images the dentist will create to show the patient what the results will look like. Dentists like Dr. Philips will spend considerable time on these representations to ensure the patients will receive the best care and get the desired results.


The day of the procedure, the dentist will remove a small bit of enamel from each tooth to create a space for the veneer to adhere to and not impede the patient’s bite. Then a putty mold is created of the teeth with that layer of enamel removed. This mold hardens and will be sent to a lab for the veneer creation. Some dentists have very advanced facilities and can have the veneer impressions created in-house with special 3D mapping technology. Temporary veneers are prepared and applied while the patient waits for the lab to create the permanent ones. When the permanents arrive, the dentist will apply an acidic gel that dissolves minerals on the surface of each tooth so that there is a rough surface for the veneer to bond to solidly. Cementing the veneers in place is a quick process that involves a special light to speed the hardening process. Once the porcelain veneers are set, they will be bonded to the patient’s teeth in minutes.


This is the easy part! There is virtually no downtime when getting porcelain veneers and at the most, some might feel slight sensitivity to hot and cold food and drink due to the enamel that was removed beneath the veneers themselves. Other than that, patients are ready to flash their new pearly white teeth for all to see. Porcelain veneers tend to last ten years and have been known to last much longer.

Overall, porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for anyone that would like to improve their smile. A nice, healthy set of perfectly aligned teeth can make a great first impression and Dr. Ed Philips is an authority on the procedure. Candidates in the GTA should consider his practice for porcelain veneers because the results speak for themselves. The testimonials provide great examples of the individual transformations and how he has affected so many lives. In a city as large as Toronto, it pays to do a little research for your cosmetic dental needs.

We want to see you smile


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